Mediálne výstupy účastníkov FIJET AKADEMIA 2024
Media outputs from International FIJET ACADEMY of young journalists in Slovakia 16. – 22.06.2024 (Bratislava, Piešťany, Trnava region)
Jana KRISTEKOVA (Slovakia)
Nina MEZAK (Croatia)
Adam VANEČKO (Slovakia)
Adam VANEČKO (Slovakia)
Jana KRISTEKOVÁ (Slovakia)
Tara KNOK Ratković (Slovenia)
Tara KNOK Ratković (Slovenia)
Adam VANEČKO (Slovakia)
Jana Kristeková (Slovakia)
FIJET World Federation
(to 27 member countries)
The President of FIJET, Mr. Tijani Haddad and Ludmila Novacka, welcomed warmly FIJET Academy participants in Slovakia with a common goal – to create a pleasant experience for visitors to Slovakia, relying on the diversification of the tourism product and on the tourism positioning of Slovakia. During the Academy Slovakian Ministry of Tourism organized the audience and presentationof Slovakian torusim. On this occasion, the Ministry official Tomaš Ondrčka, emphasized the importance of tourism for Slovakia economic development. Ms. PhDr. Iveta Radičova, PhD., Dean of , Faculty of Media, Paneuropean University had a welcome speach for participants at the first working session.
Learn more about Academy on web sites: and
The theme of the Fijet Academy for Young Journalists Program was “The Future of Tourism Journalism” this year. The lecturers and participants had a chance to discuss many of those changes prompted by the rapid development of the technology used in society and the media.
The Future of Tourism Journalism
With the pervasive use of digital media or social media in society, it has become essential to know how, when, where and to what extent to use it. What are our rights? Could it be beneficial or dangerous for us? Have people become used to living detached from society with the domination of social media? Is digital media the future of tourism journalism? Is there a worrying situation regarding the spread of disinformation via social media? It is possible to list many pros and cons of this issue. Therefore, In this edition of the Fijet Academy, discussions were about the topics to better comment on the future of tourism journalism. The professionals of the tourism industry and the professors of the Pan European University in Bratislava have enlightened the participants on topics such as digital media, tourism and neuromarketing in media, podcasting, and tourism and communication, which were very interesting, informative and interactive. The results of discussions were around; even though AI is preferred by many fields, we should keep relying on the human factor to improve the tourism industry.
During the meetings at the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Slovakia and the Tourist Offices in Bratislava, Piestany and Tomislava, the participants were informed about the statistics of the recent status of tourism in Slovakia, their plans and ongoing projects.
Within the social part of the program, under the patronage of the Fijet Slovakia team, the participants and guest lecturers have visited the most popular tourist attractions of Bratislava, Piestany and Galanta. The group visited the perfectly well-preserved historical attractions of Bratislava, such as the Old Town, Bratislava Castle and Devin Castle. After short sightseeing in the city, a scary Skywalk on the UFO Tower and rafting experiences on the Danubiana were both very interesting and enjoyable for the young journalists. They were welcomed at the historical Stefanka Restaurant and another night at Zylinder Restaurant. While sailing on the river Danube, they had a delicious meal at the cruise ship’s restaurant La Marine in Bratislava. During the short visit to Dajama Print House, they had a chance to talk about the past and recent status of printing in Slovakia. Within the rich social program, they also visited the European Gallery, a modern museum at the Danubiana.
In the second part of the program, the guests visited the gorgeous Piestany region. They walked around the Little Danube, a branch of the Danube, in the park filled with giant trees that are 200 to 300 years old and excellent spa hotels. The participants not only had a walking tour through the Collonade Bridge to see the spa area but also attended the Photo Exhibition of Fijet Slovakia, the theme of which was “Travel and Emotions”. They learned that one of the Fijet Academy for Young Journalists Program participants had been the 3rd runner-up at the competition. Guests also had the chance to eat homemade traditional Slovak meals for dinner, wonderfully hosted by Piestany region officials at the City Restaurant.
As one of the aims of the Fijet Academy training, the group of young journalists learned the culture, history and social characteristics of the region on site. They smelled the linden-scented streets of Bratislava, tasted the homemade duck liver paste with jam in the gorgeous town of Piestany, and enjoyed horse carriage riding in the picturesque area called Tomášikovo. While leaving for their countries at the end of the program, on June 22, 2024, the participants built many nice connections, learned about the culture of Slovakia and expressed their appreciation to the organisers, the Fijet Slovakia team and their partners for their generosity and hospitality.
Special Thanks
Ms. Iveta Radičova, Prof. PhDr. PhD., Dean, Faculty of Mass Media, Paneuropean University
Mr. Stanislav Benčić, Professor at the Faculty of Mass Media, Paneuropean University
Mr. Daniel Modrovský, PhD., the president of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists
Ms. Tomáš Ondrčka, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic
Mr. Peter Dedak, podcast expert
Ms. Anna Schwartzova, Slovakia Travel
Ms. Veronika Hudačkova, Slovakia Travel.
Ms. Anna Molnarova
Ms. Katarina Rohalova
Ms. Tatiana Nevolna Piestany Resort Hotel Park
The authorities and the staff of Hotel Ibıs in Bratislava
Fijet team of Speakers, Professors and Lecturers:
Tijani Haddad, the President
Prof. Ludmila Novacka, President Fijet Slovakia
Asma Jerbi Abouda, JAWHARA FW TV and Radio, Tunisia
Many thanks to Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkiye, which supported the Fijet Academy for Young Journalists Program by sending wonderful, enthusiastic, intelligent and kind young journalism and tourism students to our program.
Adrian Gonzales Padilla (Spain)
Ivelina Ivanova (Bulgaria)
ABUJET NEWS ( in Bulgarien language)
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The next - we are waiting from our Czech, Romanien and Turkish friends.......